"MTD-GAL4"- (ie. Scer\GAL4nos.PG, Scer\GAL4nos.UTR.T:Hsim\VP16 and Scer\GAL4otu.T:Hsim\VP16) mediated expression of Iml1dsRNA.shRNA.Scer\UAS results in delayed meiotic commitment of some ovarian cysts, which undergo a fifth mitotic division to produce 32-cell cysts with a single oocyte with 5 ring canals. Feeding animals with rapamycin (a TORC1 inhibitor) dramatically suppresses this phenotype.
Iml1RNAi.UAS.V20, Scer\GAL4VP16.nanos.UTR, Scer\GAL4VP16.otu, Scer\GAL4nanos.PG has abnormal cell cycle phenotype, enhanceable by Nprl2RNAi.UAS.V20, Scer\GAL4VP16.nanos.UTR, Scer\GAL4VP16.otu, Scer\GAL4nanos.PG
Iml1RNAi.UAS.V20, Scer\GAL4VP16.nanos.UTR, Scer\GAL4VP16.otu, Scer\GAL4nanos.PG has egg chamber phenotype, enhanceable by Nprl2RNAi.UAS.V20, Scer\GAL4VP16.nanos.UTR, Scer\GAL4VP16.otu, Scer\GAL4nanos.PG