mir-31aUAS.cSb/Scer\GAL4sca.PU is a non-suppressor of visible phenotype of Scer\GAL4sca.PU, miGD11624
mir-31aUAS.cSb/Scer\GAL4sca.PU is a non-suppressor of macrochaeta phenotype of Scer\GAL4sca.PU, miGD11624
Expressing mir-31aScer\UAS.cSb under the control of either Scer\GAL4insc-Mz1407 or Scer\GAL4mir-31a (the intrinsic Gal4 driver of mir-31aKO.Gal4) rescues the decreased number of adult brain glial cells present in 7 days old mir-31aKO homozygotes or mir-31aKO.Gal4 homozygotes, respectively.