The R24E12 enhancer fragment is fused upstream of the Drosophila synthetic core promoter (DSCP) followed by the GAL4(DBD)::Zip- hemidriver (component of the 'Split GAL4' system, contains the GAL4 DNA-binding domain). A Hsp70 transcriptional terminator is present.
Comment: when combined with P{R89G07-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'SS00860')
Comment: when combined with P{R53C03-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'MB298B')
Comment: when combined with P{VT022244-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'SS44902')
Comment: when combined with P{VT022244-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'SS44902')
Comment: when combined with P{VT022244-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'SS44902')
Comment: when combined with P{VT022244-p65.AD} (combination referred to as 'SS44902')
Inhibition (using Hsap\KCNJ25XUAS.EGFP) of neurons targeted by the split-GAL4 pair of Scer\GAL4DBD.R24E12 and Hsap\RELAAD.R89G07 in third instar larvae significantly impairs short-term associative appetitive olfactory memory following training with fructose, with no effect on innate odor (n-amylacetate) or fructose preference, compared to controls.
Thermogenetic activation (using TrpA1UAS.(B).cKa at 28.5[o]C) of neurons targeted by the split-GAL4 pair of Scer\GAL4DBD.R24E12 and Hsap\RELAAD.R53C03 in adult males significantly reduces the amount of sleep, compared to controls; activation does not significantly affect locomotor activity of awake adult males, compared to controls.
Optogenetic activation (using Cnoc\ChR1::Csub\ChRCsChrimson.IVS.20xUAS.Venus with 617 nm (red) light) of neurons targeted by the split-GAL4 pair of Scer\GAL4DBD.R24E12 and Hsap\RELAAD.R53C03 in adult females in an area of an arena significantly increases avoidance of that area, compared to controls.
Inhibition (using shits1.IVS.p10.20xUAS at 31-33[o]C) of neurons targeted by the split-GAL4 pair of Scer\GAL4DBD.R24E12 and Hsap\RELAAD.R53C03 in adults during training, consolidation and testing does not substantially reduce 2 h associative aversive or attractive olfactory memory, compared to controls; inhibition during testing alone does not significantly reduce 24 h associative aversive olfactory memory, compared to controls; inhibition only during training and testing significantly reduces 24 h appetitive, but not 30 min aversive, associative olfactory memory towards ethanol, compared to controls.
Thermogenetic activation (using TrpA1UAS.(B).cKa or TrpA120xUAS.JFRC124 at 28.5[o]C) of neurons targeted by the split-GAL4 pair of Scer\GAL4DBD.R24E12 and Hsap\RELAAD.R53C03 in adults significantly reduces sleep, compared to controls, with no effect on social or locomotor behaviors.
Split-GAL4 transgene, constructed as described in FBrf0212052.