The ple promoter region is fused upstream of the Drosophila synthetic core promoter (DSCP) followed by the p65(AD)::Zip+ hemidriver (component of a 'split driver' system, contains the p65 activation domain). A Hsp70 transcriptional terminator is present.
Comment: when combined with P{R72B05-GAL4.DBD} (combination referred to as 'MB065B')
when combined with P{R72G06-GAL4.DBD} (combination referred to as 'MB586B')
Comment: when combined with P{R72B05-GAL4.DBD} (combination referred to as 'MB065B')
Comment: when combined with P{R72B05-GAL4.DBD} (combination referred to as 'MB065B')
Comment: when combined with P{R72B05-GAL4.DBD} (combination referred to as 'MB065B')
Comment: when combined with P{R72B05-GAL4.DBD} (combination referred to as 'MB065B')
when combined with P{R73F07-GAL4.DBD} (combination referred to as 'MB099C')
Comment: when combined with P{R72B05-GAL4.DBD} (combination referred to as 'MB065B')
when combined with P{R73F07-GAL4.DBD} (combination referred to as 'MB099C')
Comment: when combined with P{R26F01-GAL4.DBD} (combination referred to as 'MB308B')
Comment: when combined with P{R26F01-GAL4.DBD} (combination referred to as 'MB308B')
when combined with P{R72B05-GAL4.DBD} (combination referred to as 'MB065B')
Comment: when combined with P{R26F01-GAL4.DBD} (combination referred to as 'MB308B')
Comment: when combined with P{R22B12-GAL4.DBD} (combination referred to as 'MB320C')
Comment: when combined with P{R42H01-GAL4.DBD} (combination referred to as 'LH2454')
Comment: when combined with P{Ddc-GAL4.DBD}
Comment: when combined with P{VT064569-GAL4.DBD} (combination referred to as 'SS46889')
Comment: when combined with P{VT064569-GAL4.DBD} (combination referred to as 'SS46889')
Comment: when combined with P{VT064569-GAL4.DBD} (combination referred to as 'SS46889')
Comment: when combined with P{VT025720-GAL4.DBD} (combination referred to as 'SS56699')
Comment: when combined with P{VT025720-GAL4.DBD} (combination referred to as 'SS56699')
Comment: when combined with P{VT025720-GAL4.DBD} (combination referred to as 'SS56699')
Adult females prefer optogenetic activation (using Cnoc\ChR1Cs.IVS.20xUAS.Venus with 627 nm (red) light) of neurons targeted by the split-GAL4 pair of Scer\GAL4DBD.R72B05 and Hsap\RELAAD.ple to darkness with no activation; this preference is significantly greater than that of controls for red light compared to darkness.
Split-GAL4 transgene, constructed as described in FBrf0212052.