Twenty miRNA binding sites with mismatches at positions 9-12 (creating a "Sponge", designed to sequester miRNAs and thus knocking-down endogenous miRNA activity) are placed in the 3'UTR of mCherry under the control of 10 UAS binding sites.
abnormal locomotor behavior | adult stage, with Scer\GAL4mir-969.KO
abnormal locomotor behavior | adult stage, with Scer\GAL4Toll-6-D42
abnormal locomotor behavior | adult stage, with Scer\GAL4VGlut1-OK371
viable, with Scer\GAL4Tub.PU
mir-969sponge.V2.UAS.mCherry/Scer\GAL4αTub84B.PL is a non-suppressor of lethal | recessive phenotype of wupA23437
mir-969sponge.V2.UAS.mCherry/Scer\GAL4αTub84B.PL is a non-suppressor of lethal | recessive phenotype of wupAhdp-3