Blocking protein synthesis (using Rcom\RA[cs2.UAS] at 30[o]C) for the full 24 h, or the 4-16 h interval, but not shorter intervals beginning at the 4 h timepoint, nor other 12 h intervals, between spaced, but not massed, training and testing in Scer\GAL4VT041043 neurons, significantly impairs aversive olfactory long term memory in adults, compared to controls; there is no effect when protein synthesis is instead blocked for 24 h prior to training.
Acute inhibition of endocytosis (using shi1.UAS at 32[o]C) in Scer\GAL4VT041043 neurons during testing, 24 h after spaced, but not massed, training significantly impairs aversive olfactory long term memory in adults, compared to controls; this effect is not seen when inhibition occurs during training instead; there is no effect of this inhibition on short term memory.
Inhibition (using shi1.UAS at 31[o]C) of Scer\GAL4VT041043 cells in adults during testing only, but not consolidation only, significantly reduces 3-hour aversive olfactory anaesthesia-resistant memory, compared to controls, with no effect on odor or shock avoidance.