Imprecise excision of Mi{ET1}NetoMB07125 has resulted in a deletion that removes the entire Neto β isoform-specific sequence ( X:13 ,520,444..13,523,898 (R6)). This comprises exons 12, 13 and 14.
Neto204 mutant adult flies have impaired climbing ability.
The spontaneous miniature excitatory junctional potential (mEJP) amplitude and frequency are reduced in Neto204 mutant third instar larvae. Evoked EJP amplitude is similar to controls. Quantal content is increased compared to controls.
Neto204 mutant NMJs are reduced in length compared with controls and have shorter branches. The Neto204 mutant NMJS have fewer but larger type Ib boutons. The enlarged Neto204 mutant boutons have diminished or absent subsynaptic reticulum (SSR) structures.
Neto204 mutant NMJs have an increased number of synaptic contacts, and their density is increased at proximal but not distal boutons.
The active zones of Neto204 mutant NMJs often have abnormal T-bar structures. Postsynaptic density (PSD) length is significantly reduced compared to controls.
Dp(1;3)DC270 rescues the lethality seen in Neto36/Neto204 mutant flies.