There is an increase in the frequency of clone splitting in the PtendsRNA.Scer\UAS.cUa-expressing 'loser' cells when cell competition is induced in the pupal notum through generation of clones expressing PtendsRNA.Scer\UAS.cUa under the control of Scer\GAL4Scer\FRT.Act5C in wild type tissues compared with wild type clones in wild type tissue. The 'loser' clones show reduced compactness over time.
ApcGD1333, PtenRNAi.UAS.cUa, Ras85DV12.cUa.UAS, Scer\GAL4Act5C.PS-FRT3, p53GD4483 has increased cell growth rate | adult stage | somatic clone - tissue specific phenotype, suppressible by TkJF01818, Scer\GAL4Act5C.PS-FRT3
ApcGD1333, PtenRNAi.UAS.cUa, Ras85DV12.cUa.UAS, Scer\GAL4Act5C.PS-FRT3, p53GD4483 has abnormal cell number | adult stage | somatic clone - tissue specific phenotype, suppressible | partially by TkR99DJF02663, Scer\GAL4Act5C.PS-FRT3
ApcGD1333, PtenRNAi.UAS.cUa, Ras85DV12.cUa.UAS, Scer\GAL4Act5C.PS-FRT3, p53GD4483 has increased cell size | adult stage | somatic clone - tissue specific phenotype, suppressible | partially by TkR99DJF02663, Scer\GAL4Act5C.PS-FRT3
ApcGD1333, PtenRNAi.UAS.cUa, Ras85DV12.cUa.UAS, Scer\GAL4Act5C.PS-FRT3, p53GD4483 has abnormal cell number | adult stage | somatic clone - tissue specific phenotype, suppressible by TkJF01818, Scer\GAL4Act5C.PS-FRT3
ApcGD1333, PtenRNAi.UAS.cUa, Ras85DV12.cUa.UAS, Scer\GAL4Act5C.PS-FRT3, p53GD4483 has abnormal cell number | adult stage | somatic clone - tissue specific phenotype, suppressible | partially by scJF02104, Scer\GAL4Act5C.PS-FRT3
ApcGD1333, PtenRNAi.UAS.cUa, Ras85DV12.cUa.UAS, Scer\GAL4Act5C.PS-FRT3, p53GD4483 has increased cell growth rate | adult stage | somatic clone - tissue specific phenotype, non-suppressible by scJF02104, Scer\GAL4Act5C.PS-FRT3
ApcGD1333, PtenRNAi.UAS.cUa, Ras85DV12.cUa.UAS, Scer\GAL4Act5C.PS-FRT3, p53GD4483 has abnormal cell number | adult stage | somatic clone - tissue specific phenotype, non-suppressible by InRGL00139, Scer\GAL4Act5C.PS-FRT3
ApcGD1333, PtenRNAi.UAS.cUa, Ras85DV12.cUa.UAS, Scer\GAL4Act5C.PS-FRT3, p53GD4483 has increased cell size | adult stage | somatic clone - tissue specific phenotype, non-suppressible by InRGL00139, Scer\GAL4Act5C.PS-FRT3
ApcGD1333, PtenRNAi.UAS.cUa, Ras85DV12.cUa.UAS, Scer\GAL4Act5C.PS-FRT3, p53GD4483 has increased cell size | adult stage | somatic clone - tissue specific phenotype, non-suppressible by scJF02104, Scer\GAL4Act5C.PS-FRT3
ApcGD1333, PtenRNAi.UAS.cUa, Ras85DV12.cUa.UAS, Scer\GAL4Act5C.PS-FRT3, p53GD4483 has adult enteroendocrine cell | increased number | somatic clone - tissue specific phenotype, suppressible by scJF02104, Scer\GAL4Act5C.PS-FRT3
ApcGD1333, PtenRNAi.UAS.cUa, Ras85DV12.cUa.UAS, Scer\GAL4Act5C.PS-FRT3, p53GD4483 has intestinal stem cell | increased number | cell non-autonomous | adult stage | somatic clone - tissue specific phenotype, suppressible | partially by TkR99DJF02663, Scer\GAL4Act5C.PS-FRT3
ApcGD1333, PtenRNAi.UAS.cUa, Ras85DV12.cUa.UAS, Scer\GAL4Act5C.PS-FRT3, p53GD4483 has intestinal stem cell | increased number | cell non-autonomous | adult stage | somatic clone - tissue specific phenotype, non-suppressible by InRGL00139, Scer\GAL4Act5C.PS-FRT3
Scer\GAL4Act5C.PS-FRT3, PtenRNAi.UAS.cUa is a suppressor | partially of intestinal stem cell | increased number | cell non-autonomous | adult stage | somatic clone - tissue specific phenotype of ApcGD1333, Ras85DV12.cUa.UAS, Scer\GAL4Act5C.PS-FRT3, p53GD4483
PtenRNAi.UAS.cUa, Scer\GAL4Act5C.PS-FRT3 is a non-suppressor of intestinal stem cell | increased number | cell non-autonomous | adult stage | somatic clone - tissue specific phenotype of ApcGD1333, MedGD1483, Ras85DV12.cUa.UAS, Scer\GAL4Act5C.PS-FRT3, p53GD4483