The elav open reading frame in elavTag:HA has been replaced with the open reading frame for fne.
fneelav.Tag:HA is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | third instar larval stage | conditional phenotype of elav5/elavts1
fneelav.Tag:HA is a suppressor of lethal phenotype of elavts1
fneelav.Tag:HA is a suppressor of embryonic/larval neuromuscular junction | third instar larval stage | conditional phenotype of elav5/elavts1
fneelav.Tag:HA is a suppressor of NMJ bouton | third instar larval stage | conditional phenotype of elav5/elavts1
Expression of fneelav.T:Ivir\HA1 partially rescues the viability of elavts1.
Expression of fneelav.T:Ivir\HA1 rescues the reduction in bouton number seen in elavts1/elav5 mutant larvae (raised at the permissive temperature during embryonic development).