Nucleotide substitution: C2503T.
Q628term | foi-PA; Q628term | foi-PB; Q628term | foi-PC; Q628term | foi-PD
Reported as a C to T change at nucleotide 2503 of the foi cDNA, assumed to be RE41071. Mutation mapped to position 2504 of the cDNA, which corresponds to the C of a Glutamine codon.
foiC887/foiC887 and foiC887/Df(3L)BSC13 mutant embryos display defective muscle patterning with missing muscles, morphological defects in dorsal, lateral and ventral groups of muscles, and a fusion defect shown by reduced size of the remaining muscles. In foiC887/foiC887 mutant embryos, the visceral mesoderm is defective, with loss of the gastric caeca and anterior gut constriction, misplaced middle constriction, in many cases a delay in the formation or failure to complete the posterior gut constriction, and the DA1 muscle displays myoblast fusion defects, as compared to wild type. Mutants also display failure of the SNb nerve branch to defasciculate from the dorsal ISN leaving ventral muscles without innervation, as compared with controls. Founder cell segregation is unaffected in foiC887/foiC887 mutants, but there appears to be failed specification and/or segregation of fusion-competent myoblasts (FCMs), and an increase in the number of apoptotic FCMs.
foiC887 has abnormal cell death | embryonic stage phenotype, suppressible by Df(3L)H99/Df(3L)H99
foiC887 has fusion competent cell phenotype, suppressible by Zip71BUAS.cCa/Scer\GAL4Mef2.PU
foiC887 has fusion competent cell phenotype, suppressible by Zip42C.1UAS.EGFP/Scer\GAL4Mef2.PU
foiC887 has muscle cell of dorsal acute muscle 1 | embryonic stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Zip42C.1UAS.EGFP/Scer\GAL4Mef2.PU
foiC887 has fusion competent cell phenotype, non-suppressible by Df(3L)H99/Df(3L)H99
foiC887 has fusion competent cell phenotype, non-suppressible by Scer\GAL4Mef2.PU/ZnT63CUAS.cWa
foiC887 has fusion competent cell phenotype, non-suppressible by lmdUAS.cRa/Scer\GAL4Mef2.PU
foiC887 has fusion competent cell phenotype, non-suppressible by Scer\GAL4Mef2.PU/CatsupUAS.cCa
foiC887 has muscle cell of dorsal acute muscle 1 | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Scer\GAL4Mef2.PU/CatsupUAS.cCa
foiC887 has muscle cell of dorsal acute muscle 1 | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Zip71BUAS.cCa/Scer\GAL4Mef2.PU
foiC887 has fusion competent cell phenotype, non-suppressible by Scer\GAL4Mef2.PU/Hsap\SLC39A6UAS.cCa
foiC887 has muscle cell of dorsal acute muscle 1 | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Scer\GAL4Mef2.PU/Hsap\SLC39A6UAS.cCa
foiC887/foiC887, Df(3L)H99/Df(3L)H99 double mutants do not exhibit apoptosis of fusion-competent myoblasts (FCMs), but otherwise still exhibit defective differentiation of FCMs and do not appear phenotypically different to foiC887/foiC887 mutants.
Expression of ZnT63CScer\UAS.cWa or lmdScer\UAS.cRa under the control of Scer\GAL4Mef2.PU fails to rescue the faulty specification of fusion-competent myoblasts in foiC887/foiC887 mutants.
Expression of CatsupScer\UAS.cCa under the control of Scer\GAL4Mef2.PU fails to rescue the faulty specification of fusion-competent myoblasts nor the DA1 myoblast fusion defect in foiC887/foiC887 mutants.
Expression of Zip42C.1Scer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP-EGFP under the control of Scer\GAL4Mef2.PU significantly rescues the faulty specification of fusion-competent myoblasts, and partially rescues the DA1 fusion defects of foiC887/foiC887 mutants.
Expression of Zip71BScer\UAS.cCa under the control of Scer\GAL4Mef2.PU significantly rescues the faulty specification of fusion-competent myoblasts, but does not rescue the myoblast fusion defects, including in the DA1 muscle, of foiC887/foiC887 mutants.
Expression of Hsap\SLC39A6Scer\UAS.cCa under the control of Scer\GAL4Mef2.PU fails to rescue the faulty specification of fusion-competent myoblasts nor the DA1 myoblast fusion defect in foiC887/foiC887 mutants.
foiC887 is rescued by foiUAS.cCa/Scer\GAL4Mef2.PU
foiC887 is partially rescued by Scer\GAL4sns.PU/foiUAS.cCa
foiC887 is partially rescued by foiUAS.cCa/Scer\GAL4kirre.PU
foiC887 is partially rescued by foiUAS.cCa
Expression of foiScer\UAS.cCa under the control of Scer\GAL4Mef2.PU fully rescues the muscle patterning and fusion, visceral mesoderm, and defective fusion-competent myoblast differentiation phenotypes of foiC887/foiC887 mutants.
Expression of foiScer\UAS.cCa under the control of Scer\GAL4sns.PU partially rescues the defective fusion-competent myoblast differentiation and DA1 fusion phenotypes of foiC887/foiC887 mutants.
Expression of foiScer\UAS.cCa under the control of Scer\GAL4kirre.PU fails to rescue the defective fusion-competent myoblast differentiation, but does rescue the muscle patterning defects of foiC887/foiC887 mutants.
Expression of foiScer\UAS.cCa with no GAL4 driver is sufficient to reduce the defective fusion-competent myoblast differentiation phenotype, and partially rescue the DA1 fusion phenotype of foiC887/foiC887 mutants.