Amino acid replacement: Q48term.
Q48term | ddbt-PB; Q48term | ddbt-PC; Q48term | ddbt-PD
male sterile (with Df(3L)7C)
ddbtZ4344/Df(3L)7C and ddbtZ4344 homozygous males are sterile but display no sperm morphological defects.
ddbtZ4344 homozygote males fail to retain the telomere-capping complexes through spermiogenesis: components of the complex are lost between early and late canoe stage.
Early embryos from ddbtZ4344 homozygous fathers have abnormal karyotype with variably sized clumps of chromatin and frequent chromosome fragmentations. Majority of these embryos are in prometa- or metaphase and frequently display abnormal mitotic figures. They also show developmental delay as well as defects in paternal chromosome segregation and chromatin bridging in the earliest cell cycles. Most of the embryos of ddbtZ4344 fathers arrest at cycle 3 or shortly after (never finish cycle 6) and the abnormalities they display include loss of nuclear synchrony, hyper-condensation, variation in ploidy and chromatin chromosome fragmentation with the defects becoming more frequent with age. Minority of the embryos progress beyond the early cycles and these show haploid or haploid mosaic karyotypes, suggesting that the paternal chromosomes are subjected to continued elimination.
ddbtZ4344 has abnormal developmental rate | paternal effect phenotype, suppressible | maternal effect | partially by lokp6
ddbtZ4344 has abnormal developmental rate | paternal effect phenotype, non-suppressible | maternal effect | partially by lokp6
The developmental delay and arrest at cycle 3 characteristic for embryos from ddbtZ4344 fathers is partially rescued in embryos from ddbtZ4344 fathers and lokp6 mothers - these embryos are allowed to progress past cycle 3 despite the number of chromosomal abnormalities they display (lagging chromosomes, anaphase bridges and nuclei with variable chromosome content). No such effect is observed in embryos from ddbtZ4344 fathers and grpfs1 mothers.
ddbtZ4344 is rescued by ddbtmCherry
ddbtZ4344 is not rescued by ddbtNFLR-Mst35Ba.EGFP
ddbtZ4344 is not rescued by ddbtNFLR-Mst77F.EGFP
ddbtZ4344 is not rescued by ddbtR31D.EGFP
The male sterility of ddbtZ4344/Df(3L)7C or ddbtZ4344 homozygous flies is rescued to a high degree by combination with ddbtT:Avic\GFP-EGFP or ddbtT:Disc\RFP-mCherry or ddbt+t3.8.
The male sterility of ddbtZ4344 homozygous flies cannot be rescued by combination with any of the following: ddbt[NFLR-Mst35Ba. T:Avic \GFP-EGFP], ddbtNFLR-Mst77F.T:Avic\GFP-EGFP or ddbt[R31D. T:Avic \GFP-EGFP]