5bp deletion in exon 6 of Dh44-R2; the frameshift mutation is predicted to result in a non-functional truncated protein with only two transmembrane domains.
A 5 bp deletion in the 6th exon of Dh44-R2 leads to a frameshift resulting in a truncated protein.
Dh44-R2174 homozygous adults have similar period length, but significantly reduced strength of circadian locomotor rhythms under constant darkness, compared to heterozygous controls.
Dh44-R2174/Df(2R)BSC305 adults also have significantly reduced strength of circadian locomotor rhythms under constant darkness, compared to heterozygous controls; there is no difference in their activity profile under light-dark or dark-dark conditions, compared to controls.
Dh44-R2174/Dh44-R2174 is a non-enhancer of abnormal circadian behavior | adult stage phenotype of Dh44-R1DsRed
Dh44-R2174/Dh44-R2174 is a non-suppressor of abnormal circadian behavior | adult stage phenotype of Dh44-R1DsRed