The RMCE cassette of the Mi{MIC}knMI15480 insertion has been replaced with a Trojan-Gal4 cassette. The insertion is in a coding intron of kn and is predicted to gene trap the gene. (Note that if this gene has multiple transcripts, only those where the insertion is in a coding intron are predicted to be trapped).
ScerGAL4kn-MI15480-TG4.2 recapitulates endogenous kn expression in the wing disc and in the CNS.
Hsap\EBF3WT.UAS.Tag:HA/Scer\GAL4kn-MI15480-TG4.2 is a suppressor of lethal - all die during embryonic stage phenotype of Df(2R)BSC429/knMI15480-TG4.2
Hsap\EBF3Arg163Gln.UAS.Tag:HA/Scer\GAL4kn-MI15480-TG4.2 is a non-suppressor of lethal - all die during embryonic stage phenotype of Df(2R)BSC429/knMI15480-TG4.2
Scer\GAL4kn-MI15480-TG4.2/Hsap\EBF3Arg163Leu.UAS.Tag:HA is a non-suppressor of lethal - all die during embryonic stage phenotype of Df(2R)BSC429/knMI15480-TG4.2