The GMR76F12 enhancer fragment followed by the Drosophila synthetic core promoter (DSCP) is fused upstream of the p65(AD)::Zip+ hemidriver (component of a 'split driver' system, contains the p65 activation domain).
Thermogenetic activation (using TrpA1Scer\UAS.(B).cKa at 30-31[o]C) of neurons targeted by the split-GAL4 pair of Scer\GAL4DBD.R18C11 and Hsap\RELAAD.R76F12 results in a significant increase of antennal grooming behavior compared to control flies; there is a further significant increase in antennal grooming behavior following antennal amputation.
Optogenetic activation (using Cnoc\ChR1Cs.IVS.20xUAS.Venus with red light activation) of neurons targeted by the split-GAL4 pair of Scer\GAL4DBD.R18C11 and Hsap\RELAAD.R76F12 induces antennal grooming, which does not persist beyond red light cessation.