The VT040232 enhancer fragment followed by the Drosophila synthetic core promoter (DSCP) is fused upstream of the p65(AD)::Zip+ hemidriver (component of a 'split driver' system, contains the p65 activation domain).
Comment: when combined with P{VT023830-GAL4.DBD} (combination referred to as 'b2-SG')
Comment: when combined with P{VT029310-GAL4.DBD} (combination referred to as 'tp1,tp2-SG')
Comment: when combined with P{VT029310-GAL4.DBD} (combination referred to as 'tp1,tp2-SG')
when combined with P{VT042475-GAL4.DBD} (combination referred to as 'tp2-SG2')
Silencing (using Ctet\TeTxLCTNT.UAS) of neurons targeted by the split-GAL4 pair of Scer\GAL4DBD.VT042475 and Hsap\RELAAD.VT040232, or the split-GAL4 pair of Scer\GAL4DBD.VT029310 and Hsap\RELAAD.VT040232, in adult males results in a significant reduction in the number of males that sing courtship song to females, compared to controls; in the case of Scer\GAL4DBD.VT029310 and Hsap\RELAAD.VT040232, there also significant alterations in some parameters of pulse song, but not sine song; most individuals have altered wing posture (drooping), compared to controls, but males with drooping wings still extend a wing toward females; take off and forced flight ability are also significantly impaired, compared to controls; in the case of Scer\GAL4DBD.VT029310 and Hsap\RELAAD.VT040232, but not Scer\GAL4DBD.VT042475 and Hsap\RELAAD.VT040232, there is a significant reduction in copulation success, compared to controls.
Optogenetic activation (using Cnoc\ChR1Cs.IVS.20xUAS.Venus with 590 nm (yellow) light) of neurons targeted by the split-GAL4 pair of the split-GAL4 pair of Scer\GAL4DBD.VT042475 and Hsap\RELAAD.VT040232, or Scer\GAL4DBD.VT029310 and Hsap\RELAAD.VT040232, in adult males results in wing lifting.
Silencing (using Ctet\TeTxLCTNT.UAS) of neurons targeted by the split-GAL4 pair of Scer\GAL4DBD.VT023830 and Hsap\RELAAD.VT040232 in adult males does not affect courtship song, wing extension toward females, or copulation success, compared to controls; take off and forced flight ability are significantly impaired, compared to controls.