Amino acid replacement: G88term.
The reported Gly to Stop amino acid change (GGC to TAA, TAG or TGA) requires nucleotide changes at two or three positions of the codon. The site of the nucleotide substitution in the mutant was inferred by FlyBase based on the reported amino acid change. It has been annotated as a TGA stop codon, though the identity of the stop codon was not reported.
Third instar larval eye-antennal discs carrying fmt1 MARCM clones do not show any increase in the level of apoptosis compared to controls.
Ras85DV12.UAS, Scer\GAL4FRT.Act5C, fmt1 has neoplasia | somatic clone | third instar larval stage phenotype, suppressible | somatic clone by bskDN.UAS, Scer\GAL4FRT.Act5C
Ras85DV12.UAS, Scer\GAL4FRT.Act5C, fmt1 has neoplasia | somatic clone | third instar larval stage phenotype, suppressible | somatic clone by Tak1K46R.UAS, Scer\GAL4FRT.Act5C
fmt1/fmt1 is an enhancer of neoplasia | third instar larval stage | somatic clone phenotype of Ras85DV12.UAS, Scer\GAL4FRT.Act5C
fmt1/fmt1 is an enhancer of increased occurrence of cell division | third instar larval stage | somatic clone phenotype of Ras85DV12.UAS, Scer\GAL4FRT.Act5C
PpV[+], fmt[+], PpVΔ1, fmt1 is an enhancer of abnormal size | adult stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4GMR.PU, egrUAS.cIa
PpV[+], fmt[+], PpVΔ1, fmt1 is an enhancer of visible | adult stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4GMR.PU, egrUAS.cIa
fmt[+]/fmt1 is an enhancer of neoplasia | third instar larval stage | somatic clone phenotype of PpVGD7532, Ras85DV12.UAS, Scer\GAL4FRT.Act5C
fmt[+]/fmt1 is an enhancer of abnormal size | adult stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4GMR.PU, egrUAS.cIa
fmt[+]/fmt1 is an enhancer of visible | adult stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4GMR.PU, egrUAS.cIa
Ras85DV12.UAS, Scer\GAL4FRT.Act5C, fmt1 has eye-antennal disc | somatic clone | third instar larval stage phenotype, suppressible | somatic clone by bskDN.UAS, Scer\GAL4FRT.Act5C
Ras85DV12.UAS, Scer\GAL4FRT.Act5C, fmt1 has eye-antennal disc | somatic clone | third instar larval stage phenotype, suppressible | somatic clone by Tak1K46R.UAS, Scer\GAL4FRT.Act5C
fmt[+]/fmt1 is an enhancer of eye phenotype of Scer\GAL4GMR.PU, egrUAS.cIa
PpV[+], fmt[+], PpVΔ1, fmt1 is an enhancer of eye phenotype of Scer\GAL4GMR.PU, egrUAS.cIa
fmt1/fmt1 is an enhancer of eye-antennal disc | third instar larval stage | somatic clone phenotype of Ras85DV12.UAS, Scer\GAL4FRT.Act5C
fmt[+]/fmt1 is an enhancer of eye-antennal disc | third instar larval stage | somatic clone phenotype of PpVGD7532, Ras85DV12.UAS, Scer\GAL4FRT.Act5C
The comparatively weak tumor induction observed in clones expressing Ras85DV12.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4Scer\FRT.Act5C induced in eye-antennal discs in third instar larvae is strongly enhanced when the clones are also homozygous mutant for fmt1. With continuous tumor progression almost half of the larvae show invasion of the tumor tissue into the ventral nerve cord at 11 days after egg laying (AEL). Number of mitotic cells is also highly increased compared to either of the single mutant clones, but no increase in the level of apoptosis is observed. The strong tumorigenic activity of Scer\GAL4Scer\FRT.Act5C>Ras85DV12.Scer\UAS;fmt1/fmt1 MARCM clones in third instar larval eye-antennal discs is strongly impeded and their invasive capacity abolished by co-expression of either bskDN.Scer\UAS or Tak1K46R.Scer\UAS in the clones.
Co-expression of Ras85DV12.Scer\UAS and PpVGD7532 in somatic clones in the eye-antennal disc under the control of Scer\GAL4Act5C.PI results in mild tumorous overgrowth which is further enhanced by fmt1 heterozygosity.
The small rough eye phenotype characteristic for adult flies expressing egrScer\UAS.cIa under the control of Scer\GAL4GMR.PU is enhanced by combination with a single copy of fmt1 or PpVΔ1, when combined with one copy of both fmt1 and PpVΔ1 the eye is almost completely lost.