Hemizygotes with Df(2L)tkv2 die at the first larval stage. cype03771/cype1R2.5 and cype03771/cype1R15.1 animals die either as embryos or at the beginning of the first larval instar. Most homozygous embryos do not have any strong cuticle phenotype except for head defects, although 10% have Filzkorper defects and show lateral extension of the ventral denticle belt. Embryos are not recovered from females containing homozygous germline clones. The female germline clones do not allow correct ovarian development. Lethality is seen in 35% of heterozygous pupae. Heterozygous adults show a low penetrance of mutant phenotypes. 18% of flies have atrophic tergites. Defects are also seen in the legs and wings (6%). Less frequently, flies with a half or split thorax or rough or deformed eyes are seen. Flies with abnormally close eyes, or exceptionally, fused eyes are also seen at a low frequency. This phenotype is sublethal and these animals generally die as pupae. Homozygous somatic clones have atrophic or missing bristles. This phenotype can be seen anywhere on the adult cuticle. The bristles at the wing margin are shorter and thinner than normal, probably due to a reduction in cell size. Mosaic flies in which the whole eye is homozygous for cype03771 have rough eyes, disorganised ommatidia with an abnormal morphology and duplicated or missing eye bristles.
Weakly ventralising embryonic phenotype.
Homozygous embryos are ventralised, amnioserosa is missing, filzkorpers are internal and disorganised, ventral denticle belts are extended laterally. A maternal ventralising effect is seen in combination with dominant ea alleles and dpphr27. cype1 also shows semidominant adult phenotypes. 6% of heterozygous adults have truncated legs and some may lack a wing or have a smaller wing. The thorax may be incompletely fused or one half deleted. Another phenotype is lack of the dorsal capsule may be missing so that the eyes are fused or the central portion is missing so the eyes are narrowed.
cype[+]/cype03771 is an enhancer of embryonic epidermis phenotype of dpphr4
cype[+]/cype03771 is an enhancer of embryonic/first instar larval cuticle phenotype of dpphr4
cype[+]/cype03771 is an enhancer of embryo | embryonic stage 14 phenotype of ea161.13
cype[+]/cype03771 is an enhancer of embryonic epidermis phenotype of dpphr27
cype[+]/cype03771 is an enhancer of embryonic/first instar larval cuticle phenotype of dpphr27
cact1, cype[+]/cype03771 has filzkorper phenotype
cact1, cype[+]/cype03771 has ventral denticle belt phenotype
cact1, cype03771 has embryonic segment phenotype
cact1, cype03771 has embryo | embryonic stage 14 phenotype
cype03771, ea161.13 has filzkorper phenotype
cype03771, ea161.13 has ventral denticle belt phenotype
cype03771, ea161.13 has embryonic head phenotype
cype03771, ea161.13 has embryonic thorax phenotype
cype03771, ea161.13 has embryonic segment phenotype
cype[+]/cype03771, ea161.13 has filzkorper phenotype
cype[+]/cype03771, ea161.13 has ventral denticle belt phenotype
cype[+]/cype03771, ea161.13 has embryonic head phenotype
cact1, cype[+]/cype03771 has embryonic head phenotype
cype[+]/cype03771, ea161.13 has embryonic thorax phenotype
cype[+]/cype03771, ea161.13 has embryonic segment phenotype
cact1, cype[+]/cype03771 has embryonic thorax phenotype
cact1, cype[+]/cype03771 has embryonic segment phenotype
cact1, cype[+]/cype03771 has embryo | embryonic stage 14 phenotype
cact1, cype03771 has filzkorper phenotype
cact1, cype03771 has ventral denticle belt phenotype
cact1, cype03771 has embryonic head phenotype
cact1, cype03771 has embryonic thorax phenotype
6% of embryos derived from cype03771/+ ; cact1/+ females crossed to wild-type males die. 80% of the dead embryos are weakly ventralised (the head is not involuted, the posterior segments are internalised and the Filzkorper are disorganised) and 20% are moderately ventralised (the ventral denticle belt is extended laterally, Filzkorper are reduced and disorganised, the head is not involuted and the head and thorax are extended and convoluted). 99% of embryos derived from cype03771/+ ; ea161.13/+ females crossed to wild-type males die with a ventralised phenotype. 10% are very weakly ventralised (head involution does not occur and some embryos have a tail up phenotype, Filzkorper are normal), 80% are weakly ventralised (the head is not involuted, the posterior segments are internalised and the Filzkorper are disorganised) and 10% are moderately ventralised (the ventral denticle belt is extended laterally, Filzkorper are reduced and disorganised, the head is not involuted and the head and thorax are extended and convoluted). 71% of the expected cype03771/dpphr4 adult progeny are recovered from a cross of dpphr4/+ females to cype03771/+ males. Only 38% of the expected cype03771/dpphr4 adult progeny are recovered from a cross of cype03771/+ females to dpphr4/+ males. The lethality is embryonic and the embryos are weakly to moderately ventralised. 100% of the expected cype03771/dpphr27 adult progeny are recovered from a cross of dpphr27/+ females to cype03771/+ males. Only 4% of the expected cype03771/dpphr27 adult progeny are recovered from a cross of cype03771/+ females to dpphr27/+ males. The lethality is embryonic and the embryos are weakly to moderately ventralised.
A. Spradling.
Excision of the P{PZ} phenotype reverts the lethal phenotype.
Complements: vkg01209. Complements: Sec61α03647a. Complements: tkv04415. Complements: Lam04643. Complements: l(2)0488404884. Complements: l(2)k01302k01302. Complements: vrik03801. Complements: vrik05901. Complements: vrik09602. Complements: vrik09713. Complements: vrik11805. Complements: tkvk16713.