A TI{CRIMIC.TG4.0} DNA cassette has been inserted into IFT46, in a coding intron. The insertion is less than 10bp from the splice donor junction, which might affect the effectiveness of the CRIMIC cassette to act as a gene trap and lead to the expression of GAL4.. The TI{CRIMIC.TG4.0} cassette was inserted using the CRISPR/Cas9 technique together with a donor plasmid to drive homology directed repair. The sgRNA sequence used to target the gene was: TGAGTGGTAAAGAATTTCCACGG. The homology arms of the donor vector overlapped by 5 bp. It is unknown whether the insertion is precise or if there is a small deletion or duplication. The insertion site coordinate is the Cas9 cut site predicted for the CRISPR guide RNA.