A TI{CRIMIC.TG4.2} DNA cassette has been inserted into CG4038, in a coding intron. Not predicted to express GAL4 because the reading frame of the T2A-GAL4 of the CRIMIC donor construct was the wrong phase for the annotated gene. The insertion is also within CG34396, in an intron, and is not expected to gene trap this gene. The TI{CRIMIC.TG4.2} cassette was inserted using the CRISPR/Cas9 technique together with a donor plasmid to drive homology directed repair. The sgRNA sequence used to target the gene was: CTAAGCTAGCCTGTGAACTAAGG. The homology arms of the donor vector overlapped by 12 bp. It is unknown whether the insertion is precise or if there is a small deletion or duplication. The insertion site coordinate is the Cas9 cut site predicted for the CRISPR guide RNA.