Rab11 1.3kb enhancer fragment downstream of the original P{IT.GAL4}Rab116.14-G4 insertion regulates expression of a GAL4(DBD)::Zip- split driver.
Comment: when combined with P{R82E12-p65.AD}
Hyperpolarization (using Hsap\KCNJ2UAS.EGFP) of neurons targeted by the split-GAL4 pair of Scer\GAL4DBD.Rab11.6.14.3 and Hsap\RELAAD.R82E12 in larvae significantly reduces nociceptive movement responses following stimulation with a von Frey filament, compared to controls; there is no effect on the response to gentle touch or locomotion speed, compared to controls.
Inhibition (using Ctet\tetXTNT-LC.UAS) of neurons targeted by the split-GAL4 pair of Scer\GAL4DBD.Rab11.6.14.3 and Hsap\RELAAD.R82E12 in larvae significantly reduces nociceptive movement responses following stimulation with a von Frey filament, but does not affect the latency of rolling in response to high temperature (local) stimulation, compared to controls.
Optogenetic activation (using Cnoc\ChR1::Csub\ChRCsChrimson.IVS.20xUAS.Venus with 625 nm (red) light) of neurons targeted by the split-GAL4 pair of Scer\GAL4DBD.Rab11.6.14.3 and Hsap\RELAAD.R82E12 in larvae significantly increases rolling responses in the absence of pain stimuli, compared to controls.