Females expressing sovdsRNA.UAS.3-2 under the control of Scer\GAL4nos.PG are sterile; young females show normal-looking ovaries, but their oocytes and eggs show axis-specification defects (i.e. mislocalization of osk mRNA and of Osk, Grk and Vasa proteins in the oocyte; ventralized eggshells, with fused or absent dorsal appendages) and eggs do not hatch. These females show a progressive decrease in germline stem cells in the germarium, as 4-week old germaria lack germline stem cells whereas 1-week old do not, as compared to controls.
Expressing sovdsRNA.UAS.3-2 under the control of Scer\GAL4C587 results in most germaria showing no germ stem cells while almost all remaining germaria showing germ cell tumors, as well as a severe decrease in escort cells, namely in the niche. Adulthood-only expression (by using Gal80[ts]) show similar changes in germ cells in the germarium.
Scer\GAL4C587, sovRNAi.UAS.3-2 has decreased cell number | oogenesis phenotype, non-suppressible by Scer\GAL4C587/Wnt4UAS.ORF.Tag:HA
Scer\GAL4C587, sovRNAi.UAS.3-2 has neoplasia | oogenesis phenotype, non-suppressible by Scer\GAL4C587/Wnt4UAS.ORF.Tag:HA
Scer\GAL4C587, sovRNAi.UAS.3-2 has decreased cell number | oogenesis phenotype, non-suppressible by Scer\GAL4C587/Wnt4UAS.WT
Scer\GAL4C587, sovRNAi.UAS.3-2 has neoplasia | oogenesis phenotype, non-suppressible by Scer\GAL4C587/Wnt4UAS.WT
Scer\GAL4C587, sovRNAi.UAS.3-2 has cystoblast phenotype, non-suppressible by Scer\GAL4C587/Wnt4UAS.ORF.Tag:HA
Scer\GAL4C587, sovRNAi.UAS.3-2 has escort cell phenotype, non-suppressible by Scer\GAL4C587/Wnt4UAS.ORF.Tag:HA
Scer\GAL4C587, sovRNAi.UAS.3-2 has cystoblast phenotype, non-suppressible by Scer\GAL4C587/Wnt4UAS.WT
Scer\GAL4C587, sovRNAi.UAS.3-2 has escort cell phenotype, non-suppressible by Scer\GAL4C587/Wnt4UAS.WT