TrpA1 sequence has been inserted into the attP site present in TI{TI}TrpA1KO, reconstituting a modified TrpA1 transcription unit that expresses only a single intact isoform; expresses the 'D' isoform (isoform nomenclature of FBrf0211878 and FBrf0217493, corresponds to TrpA1-PG of the FlyBase FB2018_05 release). This has been achieved by introducing a stop codon into exon 3, adding an A nucleotide at the end of exon 12 and removing an A nucleotide from the beginning of exon 14. In addition, a GFP tag has been inserted immediately before the endogenous stop codon in exon 18, tagging the intact 'D' isoform. A single attR site is present upstream of the introduced TrpA1 sequence, and a single loxP site is present downstream of the introduced TrpA1 sequence.