Three tandem copies of a 211bp ey enhancer (corresponds to nucleotides 2577-2787 of GenBank AJ131630) drives expression of Cas9 tagged with nuclear localization signals at both the N-terminal and C-terminal ends of the open reading frame.
abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage, with pebU6:3.gRNA
abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage | conditional, with axedU6:3.gRNA
abnormal stress response, with axedU6:3.gRNA
adult olfactory receptor neuron Or22, with pebU6:3.gRNA
adult olfactory receptor neuron Or22 | conditional, with axedU6:3.gRNA
axon | adult stage, with pebU6:3.gRNA
axon | adult stage | conditional, with axedU6:3.gRNA