A TI{CRIMIC.TG4.2} DNA cassette has been inserted into Grip84, in a coding intron, and is predicted to gene trap a subset of the annotated transcripts of the gene. According to the gene model, the insertion is in a coding intron of three Grip84 transcripts and is predicted to truncate these and express GAL4. The insertion is in the 5' non-coding exon of three other Grip84 transcripts and is not predicted to act as a GAL4 reporter for them; it is not known whether it will affect their expression. The TI{CRIMIC.TG4.2} cassette was inserted via the CRISPR/Cas-9 drop-in technique, using a dsDNA donor vector with homology arms of length 200bp. The sgRNA sequence used to target the gene was: CACCGCCTCTTTCCCGCCATTGG.