A TI{KozakGAL4} DNA cassette has been inserted into Alr, replacing the entire coding sequence (coordinates of deleted sequence are X:19748699..19749964 , release 6 genome). The cassette is not predicted to trap Alr or express GAL4 because because the insertion site is in an intron of 5' UTR of one transcript of Alr and upstream of the other; however, there is experimental evidence for expression of GAL4 in the third instar larval brain. The TI{KozakGAL4} cassette was inserted via the CRISPR/Cas-9 drop-in technique, using a dsDNA donor vector with homology arms of length 200bp. The sgRNA sequences used to target the gene were: CTGCCAGATCGCTTCCCGTTCGG and AGCAGGAGTCCCGTGTTCCGTGG.