The division between 'CORE' and 'ACCESSORY' Complex I subunits in FlyBase follows that given in FBrf0244962.
Readily identifiable orthologs of mammalian NDUFA3 and NDUFC1 are not found in Drosophila (FBrf0244962). However, a subunit matching mammalian NDUFA3 was detected by mass spectrometry in the purified D. melanogaster complex I (FBrf0255922).
The ND-B8 (NDUFA2) protein, which is present as a supernumerary subunit of mammalian complex I, is absent from purified Drosophila complex I. Moreover, ND-B8 expression is restricted principally to the male germline, suggesting the protein is unlikely to be a constitutive component of complex I in somatic tissues. (FBrf0255922)
These nuclear genes encoding accessory subunits of Complex I exist as paralogs in D. melanogaster: ND-B14.5A and ND-B14.5AL; ND-AGGG and CG40472. In most cases, one paralog has widespread expression whereas the other is restricted to the testis. In addition, CG11815 and CG12464 have the same InterPro domain (IPR026193) as CG11752 (a NDUFV3 ortholog, FBrf0244962), but no there is no other orthology/literature evidence suggesting they are subunits of Complex I - CG11815 and CG12464 are therefore not included in this group.
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