M79 metalloendopeptidases belong to MEROPS family M79. This family contains specialised endopeptidases that typically cleave a C-terminal tripeptide from an isoprenylated protein, and are termed prenyl proteases (family II). The specificity of the prenyl-processing peptidases is usually described as cleavage of the '-CaaX' motif, a representation of the C-terminal tetrapeptide of the substrate protein. (Note that peptidases in family M48, prenyl-protease family I, catalyse a similar reaction to those in family M79 - the specificities are overlapping but are not identical.) (Adapted from FBrf0239469.)
Notes on Group
The M79 METALLOENDOPEPTIDASES gene group contains only one member.
Source Material
Gene Group has been compiled using the following publication(s):
Rawlings and Barrett, 1996-