FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Date last reviewed
Number of members
Glycolysis converts glucose into ATP and pyruvate in the cytosol. The overall reaction is glucose + 2 ADP + 2Pi + 2 NAD+ -> 2 pyruvate + 2 ATP + 2 NADH 2H+ + 2 H2O and involves 10 enzymatic steps. In the presence of oxygen, pyruvate is transported into the mitochondrion where, after oxidation into acetyl-CoA, it enters the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle). In anaerobic conditions, pyruvate is reduced to lactate in the cytosol. Although glucose, trehalose and glycogen are the main entry points for glycolysis in D. melanogaster, fructose, galactose, mannose and glycerol can also enter the glycolytic pathway to be converted into pyruvate. (Adapted from PMID:33941515 and FBrf0144936.)

Hex-t1 and Hex-t2 are paralogs of Hex-A and Hex-C and are specifically expressed in testis. It is not clear if Hex-t1 is enzymatically active as the catalytic residue is not conserved. As there is no functional information, Hex-t1 and Hex-t2 are not included in the gene list. Ald2 is a paralog of Ald1 and is specifically expressed in testis. It is not clear if Ald2 is enzymatically active as the catalytic residues are not conserved. As there is no functional information, Ald2 is not included in the gene list. CG9010 is a paralog of Gapdh1 and Gapdh2 and is specifically expressed in testis. As there is no functional information, CG9010 is not included in the gene list. CG9961 is a paralog of Pgk and is specifically expressed in testis. As there is no functional information, CG9961 is not included in the gene list. Pgam2 and CG7059 are paralogs of Pgam1. Pgam2 is specifically expressed in testis. As there is no functional information, Pgam2 and CG7059 are not included in the gene list. CG7069, CG2964, CG7362, CG12229 and CG11249 and are specifically expressed in testis. It is not clear if CG2964, CG7362, CG12229 and CG11249 are enzymatically active as the catalytic residues are not conserved. As there is no functional information, CG7069, CG2964, CG7362, CG12229 and CG11249 are not included in the gene list.

Source Material
The GLYCOLYSIS Gene Group has been compiled using the following publication(s): Zappia et al., 2023, Mascolo et al., 2021, Tixier et al., 2013, and Eanes et al., 2006 .
Key Gene Ontology (GO) terms
Biological Process
Cellular Component
Related Gene Groups
GO Causal Activity Model (GO-CAM)
Members (12)
For all members:
GO ribbon stack
 molecular functionbiological processcellular component
Gene Symbol
Gene Name
Also Known As
Source Material for Membership
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1
GAPDH, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, Gapdh-1, GADPH
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 2
GAPDH, Gapdh-2, Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
Hexokinase A
HexA, HEX, hexokinase, HK, HK-A
Hexokinase C
HEX, HexC, hexokinase, HK, HK-C
l(2)06339, 6-phosphofructokinase
Phosphoglycerate mutase 1
Pglym78, Phosphoglyceromutase, Pglym, phosphoglycerate mutase, Phosphoglyceromutase 78
Phosphoglucose isomerase
Gpi, glucose phosphate isomerase
Phosphoglycerate kinase
Triose phosphate isomerase
sugarkill, wstd, ND14
External Data
Other resource(s)
Note: The Drosophila pathways shown at these resources are computed using different methods. They may therefore differ from the manually curated and verified pathway shown above.

[FlyCyc: glycolysis III (from glucose)](https://biocyc.org/pathway?orgid=FLY&id=ANAGLYCOLYSIS-PWY)

[Reactome: Glycolysis](https://reactome.org/PathwayBrowser/#/R-DME-70326&SEL=R-DME-70171)

[KEGG: Glycolysis /Gluconeogenesis](https://www.genome.jp/pathway/dme00010)

Synonyms and Secondary IDs
Canonical glycolysis
Secondary FlyBase ID(s)
References (6)