FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
Gene: Hsap\MAPT
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General Information
H. sapiens
microtubule-associated protein tau
Annotation Symbol
Feature Type
FlyBase ID
Gene Model Status
Stock Availability
Gene Summary
Contribute a Gene Snapshot for this gene.
Also Known As

tau, hTau, MAPT, h-tau, hMAPT

Key Links
Foreign Gene Data

Foreign sequence; species == Homo sapiens; gene == MAPT; HGNC:6893.

Alleles, Insertions, Transgenic Constructs
Classical and Insertion Alleles ( 9 )
For All Classical and Insertion Alleles Show
Other relevant insertions
Transgenic Constructs ( 177 )
For All Alleles Carried on Transgenic Constructs Show
Transgenic constructs containing/affecting coding region of Hsap\MAPT
Transgenic constructs containing regulatory region of Hsap\MAPT
Variant Molecular Consequences
Alleles Representing Disease-Implicated Variants
For more details about a specific phenotype click on the relevant allele symbol.
Other Phenotypes
Phenotype manifest in
eye photoreceptor cell & neuron, with Scer\GAL4hs.2sev
Model Organism Orthologs (via DIOPT v9.1)
Species\Gene Symbol
Best Score
Best Reverse Score
Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly) (1)
4 of 14
Human Disease Associations
FlyBase Human Disease Model Reports
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 114 )
Potential Models Based on Orthology ( 0 )
Human Ortholog
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 43 )
model of  tauopathy
is ameliorated by Atg1Δ3D
is ameliorated by S6kUAS.cUa
is ameliorated by arm1
is ameliorated by sgg1
is exacerbated by panUAS.cWa
is ameliorated by arm4
is ameliorated by Vap33Δ448
is exacerbated by Psa06226
is ameliorated by AlkUAS.DN
is ameliorated by POLDIP2EY08866
is exacerbated by spinΔ2b
model of  tauopathy
is ameliorated by Dcr-2UAS.cDa
is ameliorated by Arc1JF01974
is ameliorated by Arc1esm113
is exacerbated by f+t13
is ameliorated by Opa1s3475
is ameliorated by MarfJF01650
is exacerbated by MarfUAS.cDa
is ameliorated by Drp1UAS.cDb
is exacerbated by WASpUAS.cBa
is exacerbated by sqhAX3
is exacerbated by Drp1GD10456
is exacerbated by zip1
is ameliorated by sbrHMS00273
is exacerbated by Upf1GL01485
is ameliorated by NmnatUAS.PD
is ameliorated by NmnatWR.UAS.PD
is exacerbated by slo1
is exacerbated by SmvtHMJ30134
is exacerbated by SmvtMB04530
is ameliorated by BtndGD5654
is ameliorated by BtndPL59
is exacerbated by HcsUAS.cLa
is exacerbated by LamGL00577
is ameliorated by AmphGD1311
is ameliorated by Kdm3HMJ22328
is ameliorated by Kdm2KK101783
is ameliorated by Kdm4AGD9133
is ameliorated by Kdm4BKK102089
is ameliorated by sbr1
is ameliorated by rswlGD12447
is ameliorated by scuGD1528
is exacerbated by Klc8ex94
is exacerbated by ClcDG23206
is exacerbated by Chc1
is exacerbated by AmphEY09339
is exacerbated by Chc4
is ameliorated by Rab26UAS.YFP
is exacerbated by Rab26GD9927
is exacerbated by p535A-1-4
is exacerbated by p5311-1B-1
is exacerbated by AmphGD1311
is exacerbated by SytβDG10711
is exacerbated by SytβJF02593
is exacerbated by LerpGD306
is exacerbated by gGD7158
is exacerbated by SppGD786
is exacerbated by DabGD4886
is exacerbated by krzGD8470
is ameliorated by TetGD9718
is exacerbated by ttvGD1993
is ameliorated by hepGD1461
is exacerbated by Lkb1UAS.cWa
is exacerbated by cathD1
is ameliorated by rad50EP1
model of  tauopathy
is ameliorated by FakCG1
is ameliorated by FakKG00304
is ameliorated by HDAC6KO
is ameliorated by CalpB4062
is ameliorated by twsUAS.cBa
is exacerbated by hop2
is ameliorated by CaMKIIGD9506
is exacerbated by CaMKIIUAS.cKa
is exacerbated by Thor2
is exacerbated by PiezoKO
is exacerbated by Tlrv18
is exacerbated by amosTft
is exacerbated by ena210
is exacerbated by ensΔC
is exacerbated by hry1
is exacerbated by sdtXN
is exacerbated by heph2
is exacerbated by shn3
is ameliorated by pbl3
is ameliorated by AlkUAS.DN
is exacerbated by Klc8ex94
is ameliorated by gEP514
is ameliorated by MESR4EP386
is ameliorated by svrEP356
is ameliorated by mubEP3108
model of  tauopathy
is ameliorated by HDAC6KO
is exacerbated by Diap1SL
is ameliorated by αTub84BK40Q
is ameliorated by αTub84BK40R
is ameliorated by MycJF01761
is exacerbated by SmD2GD7741
is exacerbated by SmD2HMC03839
is exacerbated by SmEGD13663
is exacerbated by SmEHMS00074
is exacerbated by snfJ210
is exacerbated by dopJF02778
is ameliorated by OxtG4946
is ameliorated by scbEY02806
is ameliorated by scbEY10270
is exacerbated by scbJF02696
is exacerbated by LarGD14391
is exacerbated by scbPB.UAS
is exacerbated by bru1GD8699
is exacerbated by dopGD11940
is exacerbated by dopGL00220
is ameliorated by Act5CG0010
is exacerbated by Act5CUAS.GFP
model of  tauopathy
is ameliorated by kek3GD1733
is ameliorated by CG6154MI08916
is ameliorated by CG7137GD12147
is ameliorated by CG5567GD11694
is exacerbated by CG7896KK105990
is ameliorated by CG8888EY12413
is ameliorated by kek5MI01444
is ameliorated by ContGD12610
is exacerbated by Cox11KK100158
is ameliorated by Dgkεox-1
is exacerbated by plxKK100306
is exacerbated by E2f1KK100304
is ameliorated by Hydr2MI08405
is ameliorated by sroGD7469
is ameliorated by ThgGD11217
is ameliorated by Smse00382
Disease Associations of Human Orthologs (via DIOPT v9.1 and OMIM)
Note that ortholog calls supported by only 1 or 2 algorithms (DIOPT score < 3) are not shown.
Homo sapiens (Human)
Gene name
OMIM Phenotype
DO term
Functional Complementation Data
Functional complementation data is computed by FlyBase using a combination of the orthology data obtained from DIOPT and OrthoDB and the allele-level genetic interaction data curated from the literature.
Dmel gene
Ortholog showing functional complementation
Supporting References
Summary of Physical Interactions
Summary of Genetic Interactions
esyN Network Diagram
Other Interaction Browsers
Starting gene(s)
Interaction type
Interacting gene(s)
Starting gene(s)
Interaction type
Interacting gene(s)
External Data
Class of Gene
Stocks and Reagents
Other Comments
Relationship to Other Genes
Source for database merge of
Additional comments

FlyBase curator comment: Name changed to reflect current HGNC name (19th Nov. 2012).

Nomenclature History
Source for database identify of
Nomenclature comments
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (39)
Reported As
Symbol Synonym
(Aggidis et al., 2024, Perlegos et al., 2024, Bourquard et al., 2023, Copley and Shorter, 2023, Min et al., 2023, Oba et al., 2023, Praschberger et al., 2023, Yang et al., 2023, Zuniga et al., 2023, Anupama et al., 2022, Tello et al., 2022, Pragati and Sarkar, 2021, Shafik et al., 2021, Abtahi et al., 2020, Brenman-Suttner et al., 2020, Chi et al., 2020, Tue et al., 2020, Chatterjee et al., 2019, Deshpande et al., 2019, Higham et al., 2019, Scarpelli et al., 2019, Shim et al., 2019, Bardai et al., 2018, Bardai et al., 2018, Chiku et al., 2018, Guo et al., 2018, Passarella and Goedert, 2018, Sekiya et al., 2018, Sun et al., 2018, Chanu and Sarkar, 2017, Chanu and Sarkar, 2017, Dissel et al., 2017, Frenkel-Pinter et al., 2017, Frenkel-Pinter et al., 2017, Galasso et al., 2017, Kilian et al., 2017, Mao et al., 2017, Sealey et al., 2017, Ando et al., 2016, Ando et al., 2016, Frost et al., 2016, Iyer et al., 2016, Rousseaux et al., 2016, Zhang et al., 2016, Huang et al., 2015, Menzies et al., 2015, Santa-Maria et al., 2015, Frost et al., 2014, Merlo et al., 2014, Soundararajan and Bullock, 2014, Chapuis et al., 2013, HGNC Curators and FlyBase Curators, 2013-, Sinadinos et al., 2013, Xiong et al., 2013, Ali et al., 2012, Caesar et al., 2012, Duboff et al., 2012, Park et al., 2012, Ambegaokar and Jackson, 2011, Ambegaokar and Jackson, 2011, Singh and Mahoney, 2011.2.17, Falzone et al., 2010, Folwell et al., 2010, Iijima-Ando and Iijima, 2010, Iijima-Ando et al., 2010, Iijima et al., 2010, Khurana et al., 2010, Lin et al., 2010, Loewen and Feany, 2010, Moloney et al., 2010, Papanikolopoulou et al., 2010, Williamson and Hiesinger, 2010, Chatterjee et al., 2009, Cao et al., 2008, Blard et al., 2007, Ryoo et al., 2007, Steinhilb et al., 2007, Berger et al., 2006, Grammenoudi et al., 2006, Siyad et al., 2005, Warrick et al., 2005, Fortini, 2004, Mershin et al., 2004, Mudher et al., 2004, Nishimura et al., 2004, Scherzer et al., 2003, Jackson et al., 2002, Ferber, 2001, Wittmann et al., 2001)
Name Synonyms
G protein beta1/gamma2 subunit-interacting factor 1
Microtubule-associated protein tau
Tau-derived paired helical filament hexapeptide
human MAPT
microtubule associated protein tau
microtubule-associated protein tau
microtubule-associated protein tau, isoform 4
protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 103
Secondary FlyBase IDs
    Datasets (0)
    Study focus (0)
    Experimental Role
    Project Type
    Study result (0)
    Result Type
    External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 10 )
    Sequence Crossreferences
    NCBI Gene - Gene integrates information from a wide range of species. A record may include nomenclature, Reference Sequences (RefSeqs), maps, pathways, variations, phenotypes, and links to genome-, phenotype-, and locus-specific resources worldwide.
    References (339)