60A, gbb-60A, BMP, tgfb-60A, Tgfbeta-60A
Enables morphogen activity and protein heterodimerization activity. Involved in several processes, including synapse organization; trans-synaptic signaling; and wing disc development. Located in dense core granule. Is active in extracellular space. Is expressed in several structures, including germ layer; gonadal somatic stem cell; gut section; imaginal disc; and somatic cell of ovariole. Used to study diabetes mellitus and obesity. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in prostate cancer. Orthologous to several human genes including BMP5 (bone morphogenetic protein 5); BMP7 (bone morphogenetic protein 7); and BMP8A (bone morphogenetic protein 8a).
The gene glass bottom boat is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmel\gbb (CG5562, FBgn0024234). It is a protein_coding_gene from Dmel. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:23851562..23853247. Its molecular function is described by 6 unique terms, many of which group under: binding; protein binding; signaling receptor regulator activity; receptor ligand activity; signaling receptor binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 20 unique terms, many of which group under: cell development; positive regulation of synaptic transmission; morphogenesis of an epithelium; cellular component maintenance; cellular component organization or biogenesis. 66 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: synapse; wing blade posterior compartment; male germline stem cell; first posterior wing cell; circulatory system. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: phenotype; abnormal size; viable; increased mortality. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages.
TGF-beta superfamily - BMP 7 homolog - potentiates dpp signaling - High fat diet-induced Gbb signaling provokes insulin resistance through the tribbles expression - gates the expression of synaptic homeostasis independent of synaptic growth control
Please see the JBrowse view of Dmel\gbb for information on other features
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AlphaFold produces a per-residue confidence score (pLDDT) between 0 and 100. Some regions with low pLDDT may be unstructured in isolation.
Annotated transcripts do not represent all supported alternative splices within 5' UTR.
Gene model reviewed during 5.52
1.7 (unknown)
1.7 (northern blot)
455 (aa); 48 (kD observed); 52 (kD predicted)
455 (aa)
Homodimer; disulfide-linked (PubMed:1601181). Interacts with nord and dpp (PubMed:35037619).
Click to get a list of regulatory features (enhancers, TFBS, etc.) and gene disruptions (point mutations, indels, etc.) within or overlapping Dmel\gbb using the Feature Mapper tool.
The testis specificity index was calculated from modENCODE tissue expression data by Vedelek et al., 2018 to indicate the degree of testis enrichment compared to other tissues. Scores range from -2.52 (underrepresented) to 5.2 (very high testis bias).
gbb is observed to be expressed in somatic cells of the testis.
gbb is observed to be expressed in somatic cells of the germarium.
The gbb transcript is detected at low levels thoughout the imaginal disc tissue, with higher levels of expression in the posterior region and the wing pouch of the wing disc, anterior to the morphogenetic forrow and in the medial regions of the eye-antennal disc, and in the posterior and ventral anterior regions of the leg disc.
gbb protein is first detected after stage 7. By stage 10, gbb protein expression is observed in the stomodeal invagination and the mesoderm. Expression at stage 12 is found in the anterior and posterior midguts and in the visceral mesoderm. In later embryos, staining is observed in the foregut, hindgut, anterior and posterior midguts.
gbb is expressed throughout development with peaks in 4-12hr embryos, late larvae, and pupae. It is expressed in adult males at high levels but not in females.
At the larval neuromuscular junction, extracellular gbb protein concentrated in a ring of punctate domains around boutons.
Mad protein accumulates in motor neuron nuclei beginning at embryonic stage 15.
The gbb protein is detected at low levels thoughout the imaginal disc tissue, however, distinctly lower levels of protein are detected along the morphogenetic forrow of the eye-antennal disc, along the anterior-posterior boundary of the wing disc, and in the dorsal anterior region of the leg disc.
JBrowse - Visual display of RNA-Seq signals
View Dmel\gbb in JBrowseThe gene 'ToolKit' contains a set of key genetic reagents that can be used to study a gene. A single reagent for each category is chosen based on frequency of usage, and stock availability. Click "See all" to view all the reagents for the category.
Category | Common alleles (# stocks) |
Classical and Insertion Alleles | |
Loss of function allele | |
Amorphic allele | |
Fluorescently-tagged allele | |
Transgenic Constructs | |
UAS RNAi | |
UAS wild-type cDNA | |
Untagged genomic rescue | |
Fluorescently-tagged genomic rescue | |
Aberrations | |
Deficiency | |
Duplication |
Please Note FlyBase no longer curates genomic clone accessions so this list may not be complete
Please Note This section lists cDNAs and ESTs that fall within the genomic extent of the gene model, which may include cDNAs and ESTs of genes within introns, or of overlapping genes. Please see JBrowse for alignment of the cDNAs and ESTs to the gene model.
For each fully sequenced cDNA the DGRC maintains various forms of the cDNA (e.g tagged or untagged) in several different host vectors for subsequent cloning and expression in Drosophila and Drosophila cell lines.
gbb may globally regulate neuromuscular junction (NMJ) function by controlling both the growth and transmitter release properties of the synapse as well as the expression of systemic modulators of NMJ synaptic activity.
gbb has both local and long-range functions during wing development that coincide both spatially and functionally with the established functions of dpp. gbb and dpp act locally along the longitudinal and cross veins to affect the process of vein promotion during pupal development, and act long-range from a single focus along the anterior/posterior compartment boundary to affect the processes of disc proliferation and vein specification during larval development. For the local foci, gbb function is confined to regions of the veins that require the highest levels of dpp signaling. For the long-range focus, gbb function does not appear to affect the high point of the dpp gradient, but instead appear to be required for low points.
gbb gene product is not required maternally if zygotic function is supplied.
gbb is required for many developmental processes, including embryonic midgut morphogenesis, patterning of the larval cuticle, fat body morphology and the development and patterning of the imaginal discs. Signaling by both dpp and gbb contributes to the development of some tissues, while gbb acts alone in the development of others.
In a sample of 79 genes with multiple introns, 33 showed significant heterogeneity in G+C content among introns of the same gene and significant positive correspondence between the intron and the third codon position G+C content within genes. These results are consistent with selection adding against preferred codons at the start of genes.
Mutants show no interaction with Df(2R)Pcl11B or Df(3L)66C-G28.
The accession X97775 contains the coding sequences of Tgfbeta-60A, not bgcn. There is no obvious NA sequence level alignment between this accession and the other one ascribed to bgcn (X97641).
Mutations in gbb result in larval lethality.
gbb encodes a preproprotein that is processed to yield secreted amino and carboxy terminal polypeptides.
Source for identity of: gbb CG5562
Mutant larvae are transparent, giving rise to the gene name "glass bottom boat".