Source was embryonic nuclear extract of wild-type fly line; proteins produced from endogenous genes.
Source was nuclear extract of Kc cell line; proteins produced from endogenous genes.
Source was nuclear extract of Kc cell line; proteins produced from endogenous genes.
Source was nuclear extract of Kc cell line; proteins produced from endogenous genes.
Source was nuclear extract of Kc cell line; proteins produced from endogenous genes.
Source was cell extract of baculovirus-infected Sf9 cell line; bait produced from transfected construct; prey produced from transfected construct.
Proteins were affinity purified, then further purified to homogeneity by ion exchange chromatography.
Source was cell extract of S2 cell line; bait produced from transfected construct; prey produced from endogenous gene.
HGScore = 130.65773
K126L, E129K \'2xMut\' double mutant
6 dispersed mutations, \'I 1-7\' ts mutant, disrupts interaction at 30oC or higher
3 dispersed mutations, \'I 1-82\' ts mutant, disrupts interaction at 30oC or higher
N93D, \'III 6-14\' ts mutant, disrupts interaction at 36oC or higher
Source was yeast cell line; bait produced as transgenic fusion protein; prey produced as transgenic fusion protein (prey was previously cloned reagent).
Two-hybrid system: yeast GAL4-BD/GAL4-AD