Two-hybrid system: yeast LexA/B42.
GST pull down from ovary extract.
Bait expressed and purified from bacterial cells.
Prey endogenous to ovary extract.
GST pull down
Bait expressed and purified from bacterial cells.
Prey derived from in vitro translation.
Source was yeast cell line; bait produced as transgenic fusion protein; prey produced as transgenic fusion protein (prey from ovary cDNA expression library).
Two-hybrid system: yeast LexA-BD/B42-AD
Positive control.
Source was yeast cell line; bait produced as transgenic fusion protein; prey produced as transgenic fusion protein (prey from ovarian cDNA expression library).
Two-hybrid system: yeast LexA-BD/B42-AD
Interaction in vitro; bait produced as a recombinant fusion protein in bacterial system; prey produced by in vitro translation.
Interaction in vitro; bait produced as a recombinant fusion protein in bacterial system; prey produced as a recombinant fusion protein in bacterial system.
Interaction in vitro; bait produced as a recombinant fusion protein in bacterial system; prey produced as a recombinant fusion protein in bacterial system.
Source was yeast cell line; bait produced as transgenic fusion protein; prey produced as transgenic fusion protein (prey was previously cloned reagent).
Two-hybrid system: yeast split-ubiquitin system
Source was yeast cell line; bait produced as transgenic fusion protein; prey produced as transgenic fusion protein (prey was previously cloned reagent).
Two-hybrid system: yeast GAL4-BD/GAL4-AD via strain Y187 using a lacZ UAS reporter.
Source was yeast cell line; bait produced as transgenic fusion protein; prey produced as transgenic fusion protein (prey was previously cloned reagent).
Two-hybrid system: yeast GAL4-BD/GAL4-AD via strain Y187 using a lacZ UAS reporter.
Source was embryos of transgenic fly line; bait produced from tagged transgenic construct; prey produced from endogenous gene.
Source was embryos of transgenic fly line; bait produced from tagged transgenic construct; prey produced from endogenous gene.
Includes HELIC domain plus 40 additional residues at the C-terminal end.
Source was embryos of transgenic fly line; bait produced from tagged transgenic construct; prey produced from endogenous gene.
Source was yeast cell line; bait produced as transgenic fusion protein; prey produced as transgenic fusion protein (prey was previously cloned reagent).
Two-hybrid system: yeast GAL4-BD/GAL4-AD
Source was embryos of transgenic fly line; bait produced from tagged transgenic construct; prey produced from endogenous gene.
A162E, coordinates relative to osk-PA
L228E, coordinates relative to osk-PA
Interaction in vitro; bait produced as a recombinant fusion protein in bacterial system; prey produced as a recombinant fusion protein in bacterial system.
Source was yeast cell line; bait produced as transgenic fusion protein; prey produced as transgenic fusion protein (prey was previously cloned reagent).
Membrane yeast two-hybrid system.
Interaction in vitro; bait produced as a recombinant fusion protein in bacterial system; prey produced as a recombinant fusion protein in bacterial system.
Interaction in vitro; protein produced as recombinant fusion proteins in bacterial system.
Source was cell extract of HEK293 cell line; bait produced from transfected construct; prey produced from transfected construct.
Source was ovaries of transgenic fly line; bait produced from tagged transgenic construct; prey produced from endogenous gene.
Positive control; bait protein was fused to ER membrane anchor. The ability of this chimera to recruit prey protein to the ER was taken as evidence of direct physical interaction. osk-PC short isoform (aa 139-
606) interacts with vas.
Source was S2R+ cells; bait and prey produced from transfected construct.