Interaction in embryo; bait produced from tagged transgenic construct; prey produced from tagged transgenic construct.
To visualize the interaction, both proteins were tagged with a complementary fragment of the Venus fluorophore. Proximity of the two proteins resulted in reconstitution of the fluorescent protein.
Source was embryos of transgenic fly line; proteins produced from tagged transgenic constructs.
N345A, coordinates relative to Ubx-PA, reported as N51A relative to start of homeodomain
Source was cell extract of S2R+ cell line; bait produced from transfected construct; prey produced from transfected construct.
Interaction in vitro; bait produced as a recombinant fusion protein in bacterial system; prey produced and labeled by in vitro translation.
Source was embryos of transgenic fly line; bait produced from tagged transgenic construct; prey produced from endogenous gene.
Source was embryos of engineered fly line; bait produced from gene tagged at endogenous locus; prey produced from endogenous gene.