Source was S2 cells; bait produced from transfected construct; prey produced from transfected construct.
Source was S2 cells; bait produced from transfected construct; prey produced from transfected construct.
Source was nuclear extract of Kc cell line; bait produced from endogenous gene; prey produced from endogenous gene.
CoRest fractionates in two peaks suggesting two CoRest containing complexes. CoRest co-fractionates with Su(var)3-3 in one peak.
Source was nuclear extract of S2 cell line; bait produced from tagged endogenous gene; prey produced from endogenous gene.
Source was nuclear extract of S2 cell line; bait produced from transfected construct or endogenous gene; prey produced from endogenous gene.
Source was nuclear extract of S2 cell line; bait produced from transfected construct; prey produced from endogenous gene.
Source was nuclear extract of S2 cell line; bait produced from transfected construct; prey produced from endogenous gene.
Source was extract of Sf9 cell line; bait produced from a recombinant baculovirus construct; prey produced from a recombinant baculovirus construct.
Figure incorrectly labeled. Interaction based on figure legend and text.
Source was live S2 cells; proteins produced from transfected constructs.