A set of transgenic insertion stocks derived by TE mobilization using the P-element construct P{wHy}. The P{wHy} construct carries two visible markers, the mini-white marker w+mC and the yellow marker y+t7.7, which flank a transposition-competent hobo element. It was designed as a deletion generation and detection system: exposure to the hobo transposase results local deletions and concomitant loss of one marker or the other.
Insertion lines from this collection were assessed for inclusion in the Gene Disruption Project collection; some lines were mapped by the GDP.
A genetic screen allowing selection of new autosomal insertions was used. Parental males carried a P{wHy} insertion on the X chromosome and a transposase-producing construct.
Flanking genomic sequences were obtained by sequencing of inverse PCR products, and were mapped by alignment to the genomic sequence; 154 lines were selected for inclusion in the BDGP Gene Disruption Project 2004 collection.
Genomic sequences flanking the insertions were determined by the Universal Fast Walking method (FBrf0216132).