A set of transgenic insertion stocks derived by TE mobilization using the protein-trap constructs P{PTT-GA}, P{PTT-GB}, and P{PTT-GC}. The constructs carry a w+mC mini-white visible marker and an Avic\GFP vital fluorescent protein-trap marker. In each of the three constructs, the splice acceptor and splice donor consensus sequences are in a different reading frame relative to the Avic\GFP sequence. For a successful GFP-positive insertion into an intron of a protein-coding gene, translation results in a fusion of the GFP to both the amino- and carboxyl-terminal parts of the trapped protein.
Additional lines created; use of a high-throughput embryo sorter allowed screening of very large numbers of animals for GFP-expressing protein trap insertions.
Mobilization of the P-element occurred in males carrying the non-fluorescent insertion of protein-trap construct on one third chromosome and P{Δ2-3}99B, a stable source of transposase, on the other third chromosome. In the F1, larvae were screened for expression of the Avic\GFP fluorescent marker.
Flanking genomic sequences were obtained by sequencing of inverse PCR products, and were mapped by alignment to the genomic sequence.
Splice frames 0, 1, 2 correspond to GC, GA, GB, respectively.