FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
Reference Report
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Segal, D., Gelbart, W.M. (1985). Shortvein, a new component of the decapentaplegic gene complex in Drosophila melanogaster.  Genetics 109(): 119--143.
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Research paper
Our laboratory has been concerned with the structure and function of the decapentaplegic gene complex (DPP-C) in Drosophila melanogaster. To define the boundaries of the complex, we have studied the genetics of mutations allelic to a previously discovered mutation shortvein (shv), known to reside near decapentaplegic. We found that shortvein resides distal to Hin-d and dpp within the same polytene chromosome doublet, 22F1-2. Lesions in shv can affect not only the formation of the wing veins but also can interfere with normal development of parts of the adult and/or be lethal. Like those of dpp mutants, the shv-associated adult abnormalities affect distal epidermal structures. Some shv lesions cause a larval lethal syndrome which is associated with an unusually long larval stage (ca. five to six times its normal duration). Lesions in shv exhibit an involved pattern of complementation with dpp mutations, indicating that both shv and dpp are parts of a single gene complex. A subset of the array of mutant phenotypes displayed by shv/dpp trans-heterozygotes appear to be dpp-specific phenotypes; we interpret these as reflecting an inactivation effect of certain shv alleles on dpp functions. The other abnormalities displayed by these trans-heterozygotes appear to be shv-specific defects; we view these as indicating an inactivation effect of certain dpp mutations on shv functions. Furthermore, embryonic lethal (EL) mutations within the DPP-C exhibit allelic interactions with all shv mutations. We conclude that the shortvein region represents a newly identified integrated portion of the DPP-C.
PubMed ID
PubMed Central ID
PMC1202472 (PMC) (EuropePMC)
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