Analysis of puffing patterns in Drosophila melanogaster salivary gland chromosomes indicates the existence of a developmentally specific puff in the 35B region. This puff seems to originate from bands 35B2 or 35B3, where Adh is located, and it is expanded in more than 60% of the nuclei examined. The presence of RNA polymerase II in this puff as well as its ability to incorporate tritiated uridine shows that it corresponds to a transcriptionally active site. RNA blotting and in situ hybridization experiments indicate that Adh is transcribed, although not very actively, in salivary glands during the third larval instar. However, this tissue does not display detectable levels of ADH activity. By contrast, we have found that in midgut polytene chromosomes the 35B region is not visibly puffed in spite of the high levels of Adh transcripts detected. These results seem to suggest that puffing at the 35B region could be mainly promoted by genes closely linked to Adh, possibly with a minor contribution of this gene.