A 106-residue region of high similarity between lipoprotein/pancreatic/hepatic lipases and Drosophila vitellogenins encompasses four beta-strands with all residues but one strictly conserved or conservatively replaced between the structures, and enclosing the putative active site Ser-152. The properties suggest a common folding pattern but the region probably does not function as an 'interface recognition site' in the lipases, although it might well bind fatty acid esters of ecdysteroids or single lipid molecules in the vitellogenins. C-terminally of this 106-residue region, a surface loop ('flap') covers the active site. No residue within this loop is conserved through all lipases, but adjacent segments exhibit 60-70% residue identity. Hepatic and lipoprotein lipases probably hydrolyze both soluble and emulsified substrates at the same site. They lack residues corresponding to a second active site postulated in pancreatic lipase to account for hydrolysis of soluble substrates. In addition, due to structural differences the flap could prevent entry of soluble substrate molecules into the active site of pancreatic lipase.