FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
Reference Report
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Orr-Weaver, T.L. (1994.11.24). Deficiencies in the 58B-58D region. 
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
Subject: Deficiencies in the 58B-58D region
Dear Dr. Orr-Weaver,
I am a member of the FlyBase consortium at the Cambridge, England site,
working with Prof. M. Ashburner. I am at present curating abstracts
from the 31st A. Dros. Res. Conf. Within our aberrations file we have
four deficiencies, the only reference available for these is an
abstract of yours:
\*a Df(2R)X58-1
\*x FBrf0064306 == Kerrebrock and Orr-Weaver, 1990, A. Conf. Dros. Res. 31: 45
\*a Df(2R)X58-3
\*x FBrf0064306 == Kerrebrock and Orr-Weaver, 1990, A. Conf. Dros. Res. 31: 45
\*B 58C1-58C2;58E1-58E2
\*a Df(2R)X58-5
\*x FBrf0064306 == Kerrebrock and Orr-Weaver, 1990, A. Conf. Dros. Res. 31: 45
\*B 58B1-58B2;59A1
\*a Df(2R)X58-7
\*x FBrf0064306 == Kerrebrock and Orr-Weaver, 1990, A. Conf. Dros. Res. 31: 45
\*B 58A1-58A2;58E4-58E10
star coding represents:
\*a aberration symbol
\*x reference
\*B breakpoints
When reading the abstract it is apparent these deficiencies are not
named and the cytology is not given. Can I assume this level of detail
was present on your poster? If this assumption is correct, then these
aberrations are incorrectly referenced as we do not, as a policy,
curate from posters. What I require is conformation that these
aberrations do exist and any more information concerning them you
have. All information you can supply will be entered into the database
as a personal communication and the abstract reference shall be
Your help will be much appreciated,
Eleanor Whitfield
Eleanor Whitfield.
FlyBase (Cambridge),
Organization: Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
Subject: RE: Deficiencies in the 58B-58D region
Dear Dr. Whitfield:
When she was in my lab Anne Kerrebrock generated a collection of
deficiencies in the 58 region, but we have never published these. I do not
know where you obtained the information regarding the deficiencies,
possibly off a poster at a Fly meeting. I have listed below the set of
deficiencies we have, and you may cite them as a personal communication.
We make these stocks freely available to anyone who requests them, and I
should probably send them to Bloomington. The names are the isolation
numbers from Anne's screen; I realize they may not conform to Flybase
nomenclature, but I had planned to use these names when we publish them in
a paper that is now in preparation.
Df(2R)X58-1 58D6-8; F3-5
Df(2R)X58-2 58C7-D2; F3-5
Df(2R)X58-3 58C3-7; D6-8
Df(2R)X58-4 58C3-7; E
Df(2R)X58-5 58A3-B2; 59A
Df(2R)X58-6 58A3-B2; E3-10
Df(2R)X58-7 58A1,2; E3-10
Df(2R)X58-8 58A1,2; F3-5
Df(2R)X58-9 58A1-B2; 58F
Df(2R)X58-10 not determined
Df(2R)X58-11 58A3,4; E3-7
Df(2R)X58-12 58D1,2; 59A
In(@LR)dppt24Ldppd75R 58B; 58D
Please let me know if you require additional information.
Related Publication(s)

Cytological localization of mei-S332.
Kerrebrock and Orr-Weaver, 1990, A. Dros. Res. Conf. 31: 45 [FBrf0064306]

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