FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
Reference Report
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Lin, T.Y. (1995.4.19). Information about mia. 
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Personal communication to FlyBase
PubMed ID
PubMed Central ID
Text of Personal Communication
Dear Dr. Lin,
I am a curator of FlyBase at the Cambridge, England, site working with
Prof. M. Ashburner.
I shall be curating the abstracts from the 36th Ann. Dros. Res. Conf.
Your abstract, 137B, discusses a new gene mia. In your abstract you do
not give the gene name for mia. Could you please tell me the name and
other information regarding the cytological or genetic location of the
gene or the function of the gene product if you know it.
As this is a new gene the information will be very useful to users of
Any information you can give me will be greatly appreciated and will be
curated as a personal communication.
Many thanks,
Eleanor Whitfield.
Subject: Information about mia
Hi! Ms. Whitfield,
The full name for mia is meiosis I arrest, and it was originally isolated by
J. Hackstein in a screen for EMS induced male steriles. The original name
given by Dr. Hackstein was ms(3L)570 and was renamed by Dr. Minx Fuller. Work
done in the Fuller lab indicated that the mia mutation mapped to 3-47.0 +/-
0.2 m.u. based on 14 recombinants between the visible markers ri and Ki. It
was located in polytene intervals 78C9-81F or 83A-C2 based on complementation
by Df(3L)ri79c, Df(3L)Pc-MK, Df(3R)2-2, and Df(3R)Tpl10. The function of
the gene product is unknown. The mutation causes a complete arrest of
spermatogenesis at the G2/M transition to meiosis I, similar to aly, can, and
I hope the above information is helpful to you in updating the Flybase. And
thank you so much for keeping the Flybase current and useful for all of us!
Ting-Yi Lin
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