Maksimiv, D.V., Sherbata, G.R., Chernik, Y.I. (1995). [Investigation of mutations induced by cytomycin C in stable lines of Drosophila melanogaster.] Tsitol. Genet. 29(1): 62--68.
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Research paper
The influence of mitomycin C on the genetic stability of Drosophila laboratory lines was investigated. This mutagen caused one-locus and multi-loci mutations with high frequencies (approximately 10(-2), 10(-3)) in the first and the second generations. It is locus-specific mutagenesis. In situ hybridization experiments indicated the existence of primary and new sites of location of mobile genetic elements mdg 1, mdg 2, mdg 4. This instability was caused by activation of transposition and recombination.