Kerrebrock, A.W., Moore, D.P., Wu, J.S., Orr-Weaver, T.L. (1995). mei-S332, a Drosophila protein required for sister-chromatid cohesion, can localize to meiotic centromere regions. Cell 83(2): 247--256.
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Research paper
Mutations in the Drosophila mei-S332 gene cause premature separation of the sister chromatids in late anaphase of meiosis I. Therefore, the mei-S332 protein was postulated to hold the centromere regions of sister chromatids together until anaphase II. The mei-S332 gene encodes a novel 44 kDa protein. Mutations in mei-S332 that differentially affect function in males or females map to distinct domains of the protein. A fusion of mei-S332 to the green fluorescent protein (GFP) is fully functional and localizes specifically to the centromere region of meiotic chromosomes. When sister chromatids separate at anaphase II, mei-S332-GFP disappears from the chromosomes, suggesting that the destruction or release of this protein is required for sister-chromatid separation.