From: Kathy Matthews, Indiana University To: FlyBase Subject: Deficiencies for 44D Date: 2 Feb 96 Background: These not-yet-published deficiencies in the Bloomington Stock Center collection need to be added to FlyBase. They are described in the manuscript 'Identification and genetic analysis of wunen, a gene guiding Drosophila melanogaster germ cell migration' by Nian Zhang, Jiaping Zhang, Yan Chang, and Ken Howard. The following information comes from a preprint of that manuscript provided to the stock center along with the stocks. Df(2R)H3C1 43F;44D Df(2R)H3D3 44D;44F4-5 Df(2R)H3E1 44D;44F12 These three were generated by X-ray induced excision of a P insertion in ptc - 'ptc[H3], a viable P[lac, w[+]] insert at ptc (J. Hooper, personal communication)' - so all should overlap at the 44D bp. Df(2R)wun-GL 45C8;45D8 This one was isolated from In(2LR)GR15[L]L2[R]. It fails to complement l(2)06736 and l(2)03659 as well as wun.