FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
Reference Report
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Thummel, C.S. (1996.8.8). P-element vector maps. 
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
08 Aug 1996
Personal communication from Carl Thummel: data curated from Web page
maintained by Carl Thummel entitled 'P-element vector maps' at 
http://www-hhmi.genetics.utah.edu/thummel/pelement.html.  Data
downloaded and archived as hard copy 08 Aug 1996.
Subject: citing Web page
On a different subject:
I would like to incorporate information from your P-element vector
maps page into the relevant FlyBase reports.  FlyBase is 
excruciatingly meticulous about atttributing all data we report.
We are somewhat at a loss as to how to cite Web pages, given their 
dynamic, and often transient, nature.  Our short-term fix is to 
download what we need, note the date, and archive a hard copy, which 
we treat as a personal communication.  I just need to get confirmation 
from you that you do not object to having information from the current
P-element vectors page cited as fact and attributed to you.  :-) !!
Subject: Re: citing Web page
                      RE>citing Web page                           8/7/96
No problem Lynn.  You should feel free to copy our P element Web page.  I
would like to disseminate this information more widely, and so FlyBase would
only be a help.  My main goal in getting this page set up was so that we could
avoid mailing maps with each DNA sample.  We now send DNA as spots on paper,
and tell the recipient to access the Web page.  We are, however, in the
process of updating our page.  The current format requires the user to
download each map onto their hard disk, and then open it with a drawing
program.  We are going to modify this so that they can see and print the maps
directly from their Web browser.  You may want to wait until we have these
modified files available (within the next week or so)
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    Publication Type
    Data From Reference