The activation signal from tyrosine kinase receptors, such as the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), is relayed via a highly conserved intracellular pathway involving Ras, Raf, and MAPK. In Drosophila, the EGFR and components of the intracellular pathway are broadly expressed, yet receptor activation evokes tissue-specific cell responses. Extracellular events that lead to receptor activation are one mechanism by which signaling is modulated. Here we show molecular and genetic evidence that Drosophila vein (vn) encodes a candidate EGFR ligand and that vn expression is spatially restricted. Consequently, vn may promote tissue-specific receptor activation. Unlike two other ligands, Gurken (Grk) and Spitz (Spi), which are transforming growth factor alpha-like proteins, Vn has both an immunoglobulin-like and an EGF-like domain. This combination of domains mirrors those in the vertebrate neuregulins that bind EGFR relatives.