Subject: Re: Help FlyBase please Michael, Robo is in the process of being written up and will hopefully have a reference by the end of the year. Its location has been identified by the robo mutation being uncovered by the deficiencies Df(2R)X58-5, <up>58A3/B2 - 59A</up> and Df(2R)X58-12 <up>58D1,2 - 59A</up> (Kerrebrock et al Cell 83 247), complemented by Df(2R)59AB <up>59A1/3 - 59B1/2</up> (Knoblich & Lehner, 1993, EMBO 12 65) and mapping distal to plexus by recombination. (Df(2R)59AB fails to complement both Df(2R)X58-5 and Df(2R)X58-12). All the best, Guy.