The yellow (y) gene maps near the telomere of the X chromosome in Drosophila melanogaster but not in D. subobscura. Thus the strong reduction in the recombination rate associated with telomeric regions is not expected in D. subobscura. To study the divergence of a gene whose recombination rate differs between two species, the y gene of D. subobscura was sequenced. Sequence comparison between D. melanogaster and D. subobscura revealed several elements conserved in noncoding regions that may correspond to putative cis-acting regulatory sequences. Divergence in the y gene coding region between D. subobscura and D. melanogaster was compared with that found in other genes sequenced in both species. Both, yellow and scute exhibit an unusually high number of synonymous substitutions per site (ps). Also for these genes, the extent of codon bias differs between both species, being much higher in D. subobscura than in D. melanogaster. This pattern of divergence is consistent with the hitchhiking and background selection models that predict an increase in the fixation rate of slightly deleterious mutations and a decrease in the rate of fixation of slightly advantageous mutations in regions with low recombination rates such as in the y-sc gene region of D. melanogaster.