The Drosophila fat facets gene encodes a deubiquitinating enzyme that regulates a cell communication pathway essential early during eye development to inhibit the determination of excess photoreceptors. Ubiquitin is a small polypeptide that tags proteins for degradation by a multisubunit proteolytic complex called the proteasome. The FAT FACETS protein is thought to be required to remove ubiquitin from a particular protein, thereby rescuing if from proteolysis. In order to identify the genes encoding the substrate of FAT FACETS and other components of the neural inhibition pathway, a mutagenesis screen for dominant enhancers of the fat facets mutant eye phenotype was performed. Several genes were identified, one of which is an excellent candidate for encoding a component of the pathway regulated by FAT FACETS. Three different eye phenotypes were observed when the fat facets mutants were dominantly enhanced by different mutations, suggesting that fat facets has other functions in addition to its critical role early in eye development.