Subject: FlyBase query: ARDC40 - 872A Dear Dr. Krishnan, I am curating the addendum book to the 40th Annual Drosophila Research Conference which was just held in Seattle. In your abstract: 'Characterization of novel, autosomal, temperature-sensitive paralytic mutants of Drosophila.' you describe two genes which are new to FlyBase, Kum and mkf. Do you have a map location for Kum and mkf? It is nice if we can keep as many gene records as possible anchored to the map. I look forward to hearing from you, Gillian \-------------------------------------------------------------- Gillian Millburn. FlyBase (Cambridge), \-------------------------------------------------------------- > Subject: Re: FlyBase query: ARDC40 - 872A Dear Gillian, The polytene location of Kum is 60A1-7 , the lethality of homozygous Kum is uncovered by Df(2R)bw-S46 and Df(2R)or-BR11 but not by Df(2R)59AD or Df(2R)eg12 or Df(2R)Px1. We have done recombination mapping of mkf with rucuca chromosome and it is between stripe and ebony on the third chromosome. Recombonatipon mapping with P insertions in this region puts it at about 92-93 polytene region and since defeciencies Df(3R)D1-X12 or Df(3R) eR1 do not uncover it is most likely between 92D3 and 93B3. Since i am now on a visit to teh Us I have asked my student to write back to you if he has more updated information on mkf. Thanks very much krishnan On Thu, 1 Apr 1999, Gillian Millburn wrote: > Dear Dr. Krishnan, > > I am curating the addendum book to the 40th Annual Drosophila Research > Conference which was just held in Seattle. In your abstract: > > 'Characterization of novel, autosomal, temperature-sensitive paralytic > mutants of Drosophila.' > > you describe two genes which are new to FlyBase, Kum and mkf. > > Do you have a map location for Kum and mkf? It is nice if we can keep > as many gene records as possible anchored to the map. > > I look forward to hearing from you, > > Gillian > > -------------------------------------------------------------- > Gillian Millburn. > > FlyBase (Cambridge), > -------------------------------------------------------------- > Subject: map positions of kum and mkf Dear Dr.Millburn, My name is Amit Basole and I work in Prof.Krishnan's lab at TIFR,Bombay. THe map positions of the two genes that we report are as given below- Kumbhakarna(Kum) (2-106%)- 60A1-7 (fails to complement Df(2R)bw-S46 and Df(2R)or-BR11, and complements Df(2R)eg12 ) mokaefe(mkf)-(3-70%) about 0.4% recombination units from the Atp alpha locus at 93B2, hence it probably lies in the 93A-B region Do let me know if you have any doubts about this. Sincerely, Amit Basole Dept. of Biological Sciences Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba, Bombay-5, INDIA